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Radiologiadentalharingjansenpdf31 Extra Quality

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RadiologÃa dental: principios y tÃcnicas

RadiologÃa dental: principios y tÃcnicas es un libro de texto que aborda los fundamentos de la radiografÃa dental, desde la fÃsica de la radiaciÃn hasta la interpretaciÃn de las imÃgenes. El libro està escrito por Joen Iannucci Haring y Laura Jansen Lind, dos expertas en el campo de la radiologÃa dental. El libro està basado en la segunda ediciÃn en inglÃs de Dental Radiography, principles and techniques, publicado por WB. Saunders Company en el aÃo 2000.

El libro consta de 615 pÃginas divididas en 28 capÃtulos que cubren los siguientes temas: conceptos bÃsicos de la radiaciÃn, producciÃn y control de los rayos X, interacciÃn de los rayos X con la materia, formaciÃn de la imagen radiogrÃfica, pelÃcula radiogrÃfica, procesamiento de la pelÃcula, calidad de la imagen radiogrÃfica, tÃcnicas radiogrÃficas intraorales y extraorales, anatomÃa radiogrÃfica dental y maxilofacial, caries dental y enfermedad periodontal, patologÃa Ãsea y lesiones periapicales, traumatismos dentales y alteraciones del desarrollo dentario, anomalÃas dentales y maxilofaciales, implantes dentales y tÃcnicas especiales de imagen.

El libro està dirigido a estudiantes y profesionales de la odontologÃa que quieran aprender o actualizar sus conocimientos sobre la radiologÃa dental. El libro tiene un enfoque prÃctico y clÃnico, con numerosas ilustraciones, ejemplos y casos clÃnicos que facilitan la comprensiÃn y la aplicaciÃn de los conceptos. El libro tambiÃn incluye preguntas de autoevaluaciÃn al final de cada capÃtulo y un glosario de tÃrminos al final del libro.

RadiologÃa dental: principios y tÃcnicas es una obra de referencia para todos los interesados en el estudio y la prÃctica de la radiologÃa dental. El libro se puede adquirir en formato impreso o digital a travÃs de diferentes plataformas como Google Books[^1^], Scribd[^2^] o WorldCat[^3^].Another aspect that is important to consider in dental radiology is the radiation protection of patients and staff. Radiation exposure from dental x-rays is low, but it should be minimized as much as possible by following the principles of justification, optimization and limitation. Justification means that each x-ray examination should have a clear clinical benefit for the patient and should not be performed routinely or unnecessarily. Optimization means that the radiation dose for each x-ray examination should be as low as reasonably achievable (ALARA) and consistent with producing the required image quality. Limitation means that the radiation dose for each individual should not exceed the recommended dose limits.

Radiation protection of patients and staff can be achieved by using appropriate equipment, techniques and procedures, as well as personal protective devices such as lead aprons and thyroid collars when needed. The equipment should be subject to regular quality control tests and maintenance to ensure its proper functioning and performance. The techniques and procedures should follow the guidelines and recommendations of national and international organizations such as the IAEA[^4^], the European Commission[^1^] or the American Dental Association[^5^]. The personal protective devices should be used when there is a risk of exposure to the primary beam or to significant scatter radiation, especially for children, pregnant women, carers or staff.

Radiation protection of staff also requires adequate education and training on the safe use of x-rays, as well as monitoring of their occupational exposure by using personal dosimeters. Employees performing dental radiography should not normally receive significant radiation dose provided normal radiation protection measures are employed, such as distance and shielding[^4^]. A report from UK estimates a mean level of less than 0.1 mSv per year for dental staff, in the practice conditions that prevail there[^4^]. However, any exposure to ionizing radiation carries some ri


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