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Vsevolod Kryukov
Vsevolod Kryukov

An Introduction To Psychological Assessment And Psychometrics Ebook Rar

Finally, the MBTI assessment meets the stringent requirements for psychological assessments in psychology societies around the world (e.g., the British Psychological Society, The Health Professions Council of South Africa, and Sistema de Avaliação de Testes Psicológicos in Brazil). Furthermore, the MBTI assessment has been voluntarily submitted to organizations in the United States for independent review such as those provided in Buros Mental Measurements Yearbook, in Psyctests by the American Psychological Association, and in the Comprehensive Guide to Career Assessment (7th ed.) published by the National Career Development Association (NCDA). Note that the American Psychological Association (APA) does not approve or disapprove the use of assessments in the United States. Instead, the APA provides ethical guidelines that put the onus on the users of assessments to evaluate their reliability, validity, and appropriateness.

An Introduction to Psychological Assessment and Psychometrics ebook rar

Reliability is not a property that is inherent to an assessment or a test. Instead, reliability must be considered for a specific sample and for a particular purpose. Generally, studies report on the internal consistency reliability of the sample used in a specific study. As such, the question "is the MBTI assessment reliable" is not an accurate question and communicates a misunderstanding of psychological assessment. Instead, the correct question to ask is if the MBTI assessment demonstrates internal consistency reliability for a sample comprised of some identifiable group.

The psychometric properties of a test refer to the insights that have been gained from the assessment to find out how well it evaluates the construct of interest. The development of an excellent psychological test depends on the extent to which the new test undergoes statistical analyses, which ultimately ensures that it has good psychometric properties. 350c69d7ab


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