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Jacob Johnson
Jacob Johnson

Best Service Forest Kingdom II Library ENGINE

Wie bei allen Sample-Libraries muss man bei aller Klangqualitt entscheiden, ob man diese Art Klangfarben fr seine Arbeit bentigt. Erste Zielgruppe drften die Produzenten von Film-, Fernseh- und Werbemusik sein. Forest Kingdom 3 stellt die ntigen Tools zur Verfgung, einen Score in der Dschungel-/Wald-/Fantasy-Thematik auf die Beine zu stellen. Aber auch diejenigen, die sich um Klanginstallationen aller Art kmmern, knnten sich durch diese Tarilonte-Library inspirieren lassen.

Best Service Forest Kingdom II Library ENGINE

The sounds included in Forest Kingdom 2 are in the first instance chosen for their appearance, which is a landscape rich in an expressive wood. The second is the richness with which they are accompanied. And the third is the consistency of the instrument.

If you are looking for great sound, then you have come to the right place. Forest Kingdom from Best Service represents the culmination of years of hard work by musicians all over the world and it has been a work in progress for the past five or more years. This project covers many styles of music and that is what makes the Forest Kingdom series so great. It covers everything from deep and dreamy music to uplifting and happy tunes. I have used it for many years and it has been the reference when I want to sound like a musician rather than just being a DAW.

The collection of forest sounds from this richly layered library is second to none, and most importantly, it sounds simply amazing when played and enjoyed. Forest Kingdom represents the perfect sum of art and science combined, and I am pleased to be able to offer this truly unique and inspirational software. I hope that you enjoy it as much as I have and I'm sure you will find something of value here for your projects.


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